Monday, 7 November 2011

Racism in Cartoons

I also found this video that is linked with Racism in the media, and it's so sad that little kids have to see and read comics with racist images. The comics which our generation has seen as little children could effect the way we feel about people of different races in our adult lives.

I couldn´t explain this better than the two following comments:

"Many idiots putting comments on here are saying,"Well I didn't see anything racist about it." LOOK at how these people are drawn, you morons. (if its not you posting these comments, don't be worried) How would you white folks like it if I were to draw you with a 20 foot nose with a disgusting carcass smelling stench coming from your body while calling you"An incestous peckerwood" btw I don't give a shit who gets offended by my comment because all I'm going to do is snap back!"

"Im gettin tiered of some of you who ware trying to play this off like its not racist. Its not the fact that they were putting black people in the cartoon its they way the depicted them in the cartoons. Let me put it this way: If I draw a white person with a pointy nose who is not athletic, cant dance, runs slow and puts mayonnaise on every thing he eats that would make me a racist right? But making black people way too dark and having big pink lips and making them eat watermelon is not racist?"


  1. I really like this observation. So many of the cartoons that I loved when I was a child seem so racist if I watch them now.

  2. Okay Racism in cartoons is hard for me to admit because of many of the classic cartoons like Lion King however i's undeniable that in some part that many things in them are racially linked. Look at some Disney cartoons and it's riff with sexual double meaning so is it a far stretch to believe that racial knowledge is imparted in them as well
